Hello Readers,
I am Asari Bhavyang, a student of Department of English in MKBU . It was conducted on 4 Jan 2022.I am glad that Dilip Barad Sir has arranged Research & Dissertation Writing Workshop so, we get ideas.
I am glad that Dr. Clement Ndoricimpa was the resource person of this workshop, and we all are familiar with them because when he got his Ph.D. degree that we were with them and we have seen his hard work in his Ph.D. viva during that viva also he was able to give all question answer with confidence. He has come from Africa to get his degree in Bhavnagar. it is a big success for us that we are completing our Master's degree from Dilip Barad sir who is spending more and more time with his students and he wants his student to achieve success in all the fields without any expectation.
Learning Outcome:-
When First I Heard about Research & dissertations at that time I was a little bit confused and does not know that where to start? and what to do? , What will be the Structure ? and what argumentation will I do ?, all type of question was in my mind but I would say this workshop helped a lot in understanding Research and Dissertation. First, we have to select our topic which type of research we want to do either related to literary work, ELt, Myth...Etc... After deciding on any topic then we have to only think about only one work in that work what we want to see or in which angle we want to show that work or this much work has already done in this field and I want to do my research in this direction. Then we should know what type of Arrangement we are going to do with our topic and in society what is the mindset of people and how society is thinking about that topic, we can say we have to come out of the box and think or think about the larger picture, that what impact it will raise in society. we have to do research on that type of topic which another scholar has not a thing about it.
A researcher has to keep in his mind that he has to just not bluff that he fill this and that.. but, Researcher has to prove his statement by giving evidence that he is not just buffing but he has studied article then he agree with him or disagree that he or she has to define there give his argument that why he agree and why he does not disagree. He or she must try to prove his argument.
- Concept of Research:-
Research should be Scientific and systematic then only we can say your research or Dissertation is in the right direction otherwise there is some problem. There should be clarification in your work because without clarification if we are doing any research then while sharing your thoughts you will also feel that am I going on the wrong path or at the end you should conclude your point or be able to justify that whatever was my question all answers I got in my research.
If your topic is related to ELT then you have to think about some practical tasks. In that u can think for sample work in that u can see that we have to decide that that for which person you are doing research either Collge student or Department student or scholar because we have to see that while doing sample work the student does not aware that some experiment is happing with them otherwise they will conscious about there writing so, I would suggest you all that if you are selecting ELT as your research then you should see that student should not be concise. We can take the example of the student exam sheet because at that time they might not be in conscious mind so, I think that will help the researcher as well as a scholar.
- Type of Research:-
I think most of our group has selected their research on culture and Historical work. As we have to complete this Dissertation in three months so, Dilip Barad sir has suggested that don't think about the research topic you have only three months so, select that topic which you can easily do. from my observation I found that there is less number of students or non that they are preferring to do Descriptive and correlation work. we can see that in Historical research we have to first see the past event that what was happened and what type of work was done and now what new you want to interpret and what was the gap of that research. it is told that we have to join all the dote then we will able to do your successful research by filling all type of dote.
- Characteristics of Research:-
It is good to connect all dots it means you have to think of a large picture or think about a large perspective that what impact it will be on society. we have to see what others have to work in that field and what expectations they are not able to see, why they do see from that angle if the story would be like this then?. if we are reading any article then he or she might is hundred percent correct that we do not have to think we have to doubt them time and again and start questioning to your own work then you will get an answer if, there is no question then your path is wrong. ask yourself a question. if you will question your work then it will generate a new question in your mind then you have to start in search of your answer. It will impact your knowledge and you will get more and more Knowledge and then your knowledge will also increase.
- Research process:-
- Data Collection & Analysis:- First we have to collect all data of your work by any way by reading your original work related to your topic that will be the best part, then you can also read from an online book or pdf work . after gathering your data then you have to Analysis your all collected work.
How to write the dissertation:-
- Introduction:- In this, we have to talk about the work or what type of criticism or theory which you are going to explain that we have to include in this first part and we have to explain in detail your point you have to start with the beginning how it developed and how it started spreading and ht type of effect it happens in society.
- literary review:-In this, we have to see that other people have worked on your topic or not if they have worked then you have to see that they have worked on which field and in which field all have yet not started thinking.
- Analyzing in different types of the chapter:- we have to put over point in our research paper but not with our own word we have come with the argument that has done in research paper so, you will try to prove that you agree with them or not and if yes then you have to give reason and explain if yes, then why and if no, then why ..
- Argument:- you have to give strong arguments that proves that you are able to defend him or your research is strong with the argument.
- conclusion:-In all research this conclusion will be in your words and in that you will tell that what you were already done and what new you found during this research .that will be your final answer in conclusion
- Citation:- It is the main part of your research you have to add all citations in your research which of all argument of you have to referred to that article.