
Saturday, January 8, 2022

Research & Dissertation Writing Workshop

 Hello Readers,

I am Asari Bhavyang, a student of  Department of English in MKBU . It was conducted on 4 Jan 2022.I am glad that Dilip Barad Sir has arranged Research & Dissertation Writing Workshop so, we get ideas.

I am glad that Dr. Clement Ndoricimpa was the resource person of this workshop, and we all are familiar with them because when he got his Ph.D. degree that we were with them and we have seen his hard work in his Ph.D. viva during that viva also he was able to give all question answer with confidence. He has come from Africa to get his degree in Bhavnagar. it is a big success for us that we are completing our Master's degree from Dilip Barad sir who is spending more and more time with his students and he wants his student to achieve success in all the fields without any expectation.

Learning Outcome:-

When First I Heard about Research & dissertations at that time I was a little bit confused and does not know that where to start? and what to do? , What will be the Structure ? and what argumentation will I do ?, all type of question was in my mind but I would say this workshop helped a lot in understanding Research and Dissertation. First, we have to select our topic which type of research we want to do either related to literary work, ELt, Myth...Etc... After deciding on any topic then we have to only think about only one work in that work what we want to see or in which angle we want to show that work or this much work has already done in this field and I want to do my research in this direction. Then we should know what type of Arrangement we are going to do with our topic and in society what is the mindset of people and how society is thinking about that topic, we can say we have to come out of the box and think or think about the larger picture, that what impact it will raise in society. we have to do research on that type of topic which another scholar has not a thing about it.

A researcher has to keep in his mind that he has to just not bluff that he fill this and that.. but, Researcher has to prove his statement by giving evidence that he is not just buffing but he has studied article then he agree with him or disagree that he or she has to define there give his argument that why he agree and why he does not disagree. He or she must try to prove his argument.

  • Concept of Research:-

Research should be Scientific and systematic then only we can say your research or Dissertation is in the right direction otherwise there is some problem. There should be clarification in your work because without clarification if we are doing any research then while sharing your thoughts you will also feel that am I going on the wrong path or at the end you should conclude your point or be able to justify that whatever was my question all answers I got in my research. 

If your topic is related to ELT then you have to think about some practical tasks. In that u can think for sample work in that u can see that we have to decide that that for which person you are doing research either Collge student or Department student or scholar because we have to see that while doing sample work the student does not aware that some experiment is happing with them otherwise they will conscious about there writing so, I would suggest you all that if you are selecting ELT as your research then you should see that student should not be concise. We can take the example of the student exam sheet because at that time they might not be in conscious mind so, I think that will help the researcher as well as a scholar.

  • Type of Research:-

I think most of our group has selected their research on culture and Historical work. As we have to complete this Dissertation in three months so, Dilip Barad sir has suggested that don't think about the research topic you have only three months so, select that topic which you can easily do. from my observation I found that there is less number of students or non that they are preferring to do Descriptive and correlation work. we can see that in Historical research we have to first see the past event that what was happened and what type of work was done and now what new you want to interpret and what was the gap of that research. it is told that we have to join all the dote then we will able to do your successful research by filling all type of dote. 

  • Characteristics of Research:-

It is good to connect all dots it means you have to think of a large picture or think about a large perspective that what impact it will be on society. we have to see what others have to work in that field and what expectations they are not able to see, why they do see from that angle if the story would be like this then?. if we are reading any article then he or she might is hundred percent correct that we do not have to think we have to doubt them time and again and start questioning to your own work then you will get an answer if, there is no question then your path is wrong. ask yourself a question. if you will question your work then it will generate a new question in your mind then you have to start in search of your answer. It will impact your knowledge and you will get more and more Knowledge and then your knowledge will also increase.

  • Research process:- 
This first of all it's upon students that they should be ready with their topic and choose that type of topic that you are interested in if you will choose that type of topic which you are not interested then you will be in a problem. first, we have to see that is there any problem with their work. if there is any problem then try to get an answer.

  • Data Collection & Analysis:- First we have to collect all data of your work by any way by reading your original work related to your topic that will be the best part, then you can also read from an online book or pdf work . after gathering your data then you have to Analysis your all collected work.

How to write the dissertation:-

  1. Introduction:- In this, we have to talk about the work or what type of criticism or theory which you are going to explain that we have to include in this first part and we have to explain in detail your point you have to start with the beginning how it developed and how it started spreading and ht type of effect it happens in society.
  2. literary review:-In this, we have to see that other people have worked on your topic or not if they have worked then you have to see that they have worked on which field and in which field all have yet not started thinking.
  3. Analyzing in different types of the chapter:- we have to put over point in our research paper but not with our own word we have come with the argument that has done in research paper so, you will try to prove that you agree with them or not and if yes then you have to give reason and explain if yes, then why and if no, then why ..
  4. Argument:- you have to give strong arguments that proves that you are able to defend him or your research is strong with the argument.
  5. conclusion:-In all research this conclusion will be in your words and in that you will tell that what you were already done and what new you found during this research .that will be your final answer in conclusion
  6. Citation:- It is the main part of your research you have to add all citations in your research which of all argument of you have to referred to that article. 

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Translation Workshop

 Hello Readers!

I am Asari Bhavyang and I am studying in Mkbu and our professor Dilip Barad sir has arranged one workshop related to Translation, so they have invited Dr. Vishal Bhadani on  3rd Jan 2022. so, let's begin...

1) has your understanding of translation improved?

yes, I can definitely say that my translation has not improved. as we think that translation is quite an easy task and it is easy for all to translate, but u are wrong, when you will start translating any work then you will definitely realize that that how hard is it, I am not telling you will never ever do a translation but my point is that you will need practice then only you can easily do your translation. yes, it is sure that in starting you will face many problems and you will continually refer to dictionary but as you will spend more and more time with it then you will surely improve. and by attending that session I also came to not many Gujarati words which translation is hard to do. then also it quite a difficult task. and I would suggest to you that don't think that translation is useless and it does not help you in getting income, by translation also you can get income and I would say you may get a better amount of money than the government salary. if you are not translating then start translating .new world is waiting for u.

2) can write about translation in terms of metaphors?

yes, I can try to use metaphor in terms of translation as Dr. Vishal Bhadani  sir has use and given many example of moon that is use at metaphor and it give use shine and it is nature element and then second element is Ganesh which is mythical character and we can see that how hanuman face is transpered into elephant nor any other animals. then we get see the example of ramayan that it is use as disctorny and words with the help of that sentence is made . then we get to know about to different culture one is from japanes and second one was from indian both the people have there oun culture and they are known by there culture by there oun culture. then we get too see cat as metaphor that when she is staring at the chess board that show that she is going to talk move in in the life also if we take one wrong step then our entire life if damage or our entire life will be change into new world. It is not easy task that we can study metaphor or we can use metaphor but slowly and steadly when we will have our experience of life then it will easy for us to use methapher.

3) what according to you in the most difficult aspect of practical translation?

definitely  i will say that it is not and easy task to translate any of the work specially the work which is translated in gujrati into English because as sire mention during session that there are many words in gujrati that it is hard for a person to translate that word and i hope same thing happen with all other language . 

Example :- I would like to give Example of Big Boss then in that house it is rule that all have to use only Hindi Language, but we can in that reality show that while fighting or while sharing felling they are naturally only able to fight in English either they want to make fool to their audience or either it's natural prossses . But I have seen when they are crying that time also they are speaking in English . So, it's very hard for any one to only talk in one language.

4) learning outcome from the workshop? 

See, I will not tell lie but it was very Amazing workshop and I got to learn many new things from that workshop , before that I was just thinking that translation is an easy process but when we do practical then we realise then we can not translate in our mother toungh also and if once you will start loving translation then you will enjoy . I would tell my outcome that I also started feeling that yes , translation is having a good type of scope that if once he started loving then there is no another that can push you back .

Neo-colonialism: with reference to Petals of Blood

 Neo-colonialism: with reference to Petals of Blood:-

Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o :-

In 1977, Prof. Ngugi’s life and career took a dramatic turn. Petals of blood painted a harsh and unflinching picture of life in neo-colonial Kenya. That same year Prof. Ngugi’s controversial play, Ngaahika Ndeenda , written with Ngugi wa Mirii, was performed at the Kamirithu Educational and Cultural Centre, Limuru, in an open-air theatre. Sharply critical of the inequalities and injustices of Kenyan society, Prof. Ngugi was arrested and imprisoned without charge at Kamiti Maxium Security Prison. An account of those experiences can be found in his memoir, Detained: a writer’s prison diary. After Amnesty International had named him as a Prisoner of Conscience an international campaign secured his release a year later in December 1978. He resumed his writings and his activities in the theatre and in so doing, continued to be a thorn in the side of the Moi dictatorship. While in Britain for the launch and promotion of Devil on the cross, he learned about the Moi regime’s plot to eliminate him on his return. This forced him into exile, firstly in Britain  and then in the USA . He remained in exile for the duration of the Moi dictatorship. When he and his wife, Njeeri returned to Kenya in 2004 after twenty-two years in exile, they were attacked by four hired gunmen and narrowly escaped with their lives.

Petals of Blood:-

The allegorical nature of Petals of Blood is another factor that can be seen as Ngugi’s effort to recreate revolutionary consciousness. As an allegory, Petals of Blood is aimed at recreating a representation of a neo-colonial Kenyan state through characters, places, and events that mirror the reality of the actual post-independence Kenyan state.

Neo-colonialism: with reference to Petals of Blood :-

As we already know that due to Colonialism colonize came and that's how the problem started and the government started establishing and started ruling they were struggling because of "Elite Africans" we can also see Illusion of power that means who were in power position they were ruling upon poor people or we can also say that African people.

Petals of Blood is situated in the revolutionary nationalism voicing proletariat class perspective. It is very straight in its ideological persuasions, as Ngugi has left behind all social ambivalences and equivocations by this time. Mau-Mau here becomes a full-fledged national liberation movement, and is free from all those ambivalences that we find in the earlier trilogy.

The titanic battle in Petals of Blood is not only for the homecoming of the wretched of Kenya alone or of Africa but of the whole world. Though nativism in the shape of Gikuyu patriotic songs and Swahili expressions is quite audible in Petals of Blood, the novel takes on a pan-nationalist and universalist perspective. Ngugi's nationalist commitment does not restrict or limit his artistic perspective. As a truly socialist artist, he accepts all that is progressive and valuable, from great artists of other countries.

The novel displays Ngugi's fierce commitment to the cause of peasants and workers or 'the wretched of the earth' who through their resistance efforts, get transformed from the objects of pity into the subjects of history. Ngugi in order to become the voice of the powerless and the proletariat consciously chose to "unclass" himself and lingered to achieve a "de-intellectualized" stance. But his class-located interest and his fierce political commitment makes his novel more pronounced, theatrical and partisan in nature.

The story opens like a detective novel with its three main characters- Munira, Abdullah and Karega-in jail, as suspects, being interrogated in the murder of three African directors-Chui, Kimeria and Mzigo, of the Theng'eta Brewery Ltd. The fourth suspect Wanja is convalescing in a hospital from burn injuries. Munira is the recording consciousness of the novel. Therefore, the structure of the novel is Munira's recollections as he sits in his cell, writing copious notes in order to clarify, to explain, to ascertain and to come to terms with himself as well as to satisfy the queries of the probing Chief Inspector Godfrey who shares half identity with Munira.This way inspector Godfrey's interrogation of Munira becomes Munira's self-introspection and the whole novel becomes a direct interior monologue where Munira's self is inextricably woven with the external socio-political reality of Kenya. Petals of Blood emerges from Munira's prison diary almost narrating sequentially twelve years of history, from old Ilmorog to New Ilomorog since Uhuru. Though most of Munira's reminiscences are in sequential order, yet they overflow into the various historical periods, for example the time of 1895, when colonialism made its sly entry into Kenya etc. The novel is interwoven through two time frameworks-one in the present in which Munira writes his notes on what happened where, when and why, during his twelve day interrogation in the jail and the other is the historic time which is that of twelve years since Uhuru, which has brought Munira and others and Kenya and Africa to such a pass. The imprisonment of the central characters throughout the narrative symbolically suggests the manacled spirits and liminality of the people in Africa.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Thematic Study of Poems Vulture

Thematic Study of Poems Vulture:-

1) Nazism:- 
In this theme, we will get to know that Black people were treated at that time by white people. It also deals with soldiers and how they were behaving at that time. if they are not belonging to their cast they were killed. we can also see that criminals used to put them in prison. The term neo-Nazism describes any post-World War II militant, social or political movements seeking to revive the ideology of Nazism in whole or in part. The term neo-Nazism can also refer to the ideology of these movements, which may borrow elements from Nazi doctrine, including ultranationalism, anti-communism, racism. 
2) Vulture as Metapher:- 
  In this poem, we can see that how Vulture is used by white people, and in this poem vulture is shown as they are helping nature and its vulture job to eat human dead bodies so, they are just doing their work.on the other side, we can see that how commandant who is having this type of job that he has seen all died people, we may think that commandant is not having good heart or he is not a good person but we can see his good personality that how he cares for his child and think for his child .on the other side we can also see that vulture is cleaning the earth.
3) Ecology - Vulture:-
we can see that Vulture is useful from the perspective of Ecology. we can also that human is not protecting the ecology . we can see in this poem that how on the one side Vulture is doing his work to eat the human body and help nature and on the other side, Commandant is destroying nature. but we can not deny that the commandant is not a soft-hearted person because we can see that he loves his child but if we see this poem in a large picture then we will realize that human is shown bad and vulture are good in comparison to commandant or Human.
4) Humanism :-
we Can see that Animals are cleaning the earth and as we know that there is a chain of Nature and they are used to clean the earth and its animal job. Humans are threatened with Human and we can see that in this poem how Commandant is living upon killing and how Vulture is leaving upon Dead body. so, we can conclude that either man or Animals are dependent upon watching others.
5) Seavenger:-
Human is killing other Human in comparison to Commandant and we can also see that Vulture is doing his duty to eat denied body. we can also see that how Vulture has two types of capability that they can kill and love. commandant is not thinking much about others or about other life. vulture eat died body by that he can fulfill his hunger and help the environment and on the other side either commandant or all human is only thinking about themself and they want that only my family should be safe they are not thinking about the universe . we can see selfishness in human personality.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Revolution Twenty 20

Hello, Readers, 

I am Asari Bhavyang, I am a student of MKBU and recently we completed Revolution 2020 and we got a thinking activity by Dilip Barad sir. so, lets begin......

Chetan Bhagat 

Chetan Bhagat, once a mechanical engineer and a banker by profession, kicked off his writing career more than a decade ago in 2004 with the release of Five Point Someone, the first book written by Chetan. Five Point Someone is about three friends – Hari, Ryan & Alok- and their life at the top engineering college – IIT.

Revolution Twenty 20:-

Welcome to Revolution 2020. A story about childhood friends Gopal, Raghav and Aarti, who struggle to find success and love in Varanasi. However, it isn’t easy to achieve this in an unfair society that rewards the corrupt. Revolution 2020: Love, Corruption, Ambition is a 2011 novel by Chetan Bhagat. Its story is concerned with a love triangle, corruption and a journey of self-discovery. R2020 has addressed the issue of how private coaching institutions exploit aspiring engineering students.

1) If you have to write fan-fiction, how would you move ahead with the ending of this novel, or what sort of change you would bring at the end of the novel?

fan-fiction is written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, film, etc. In This Novel "Revolution Twenty 20" I would like to end this story by Aarti revealing her truth to Gopal and Raghav that when Gopal was gone for his studies at that time she was having affair with Raghav and her birthday night she was busy with Raghav in her call. Then Gopal truth should also come out and Raghav and Aarti will get to know that how Goapl is engaged with the wrong business and at the end Aarti will realize that she has not left Goapl but Gopal has left her. because he doesn't want that others to know that he is connected with the wrong work and at the end, Raghav will also realize that all these things were done by Gopal and then he will start planning to ruin his life. on the other side, we will see that now at the end Aarti is now alone because, in the end, they both will realize that she was making fool of them. then Aarti will start her life in a new place and then she will start a new business and she will be having a new partner at the end who supported her.

3) 'For a feminist reader, Aarti is a sheer disappointing character.' Do you agree with this statement? If yes, what sort of characteristics you would like to see in Aarti. If you disagree with this statement, why? What is it in Aarti that you are satisfied with this character?

yes, I also agree that Aarti is a disappointing character in the novel because she is not truthful towards her love because from the starting we know that how when she was in love with Raghav at that time she was also connected with Gopal and when she was busy with Raghav at call then she was telling true to Gopal that where she was busy on the other side Raghav and Gopal was truly loving Aarti. If the character was faithful toward her love then I would like to she that how she would fight with all people for his love and I want to she struggles from Aarti side that how she is crazy to get her love and fight with the world for her love.

4) 'For a true revolutionist, the novel is terribly disappointing.' Do you agree? If yes, what sort of changes would you make in character or situation to make it a perfect revolutionary novel? If you disagree, what is in the novel that you are satisfied?

yes,' For a true revolutionist, the novel is terribly disappointing.'  because this Novel is more connected with the love triangle that whom Aarti will choose Raghav or Gopal and not talking about a true revolution which was happening. I would include some Revolutinery things happening in the novel and I would like that some characters will be in favour of that revolution and some will in not favor of that revolution and because of that revolution both lead characters is  struggling and they will not able to confess there felling they will died.

Saturday, December 25, 2021


 “No Means No !”- Analysis of Wide Sargasso Sea concerning # Me Too Movement
The “Me Too” movement, focuses on the experiences of sexual violence survivors, on the response of sexual harassment and sexual assault. If people are more aware of sexual harassment and how it is treated, then tolerance will decrease, and support for victims will rise.
In The Pink Movie Loyer (Amitabh Bachchan ) Explain about “No Means No” that No is Not a word but it is a statement it does not need any Explanation if someone is telling No then it means No. If the speaking Lady is Friend, Girlfriend, Sex worker or wife “ No Means No”.

It is about social change, through social media, where it’s known as #MeToo. It was founded in 2006, it became online in late 2017 when several high-profile actresses opened up about their experiences with sexual harassment in the film industry. Tarana Burke, an American social activist, began to use the phrase “Me too” on the social networking platform to highlight the sexual harassment, it targeted women. Burke argues that the Me Too movement works on empowerment through empathy by showing the world just how common sexual harassment is and by telling survivors that they aren’t alone and are supported.

Analysis of Wide Sargasso Sea concerning # Me Too Movement:-
English Literature has been studied from various angles. Yet there are more hidden aspects that need to be explored to understand this novel. This research aims at exploring the growth of the protagonist.
“It is self-evident that not all sex is rape or should be criminalized as such since the criminalization of rape for which feminists fought would lose all meaning without a rape / not rape distinction.” ( Mardorossian)
Yes, I also agree with this argument that It does not mean that “All Sex is Rape”.It derives from “individual choice ” is not criminalized. A humanist rather than a legalistic understanding of power dynamics defining that sexualized violence is to the “making of culture”.
So, Rochester's sexual play with black servants is not to be criminalized because that sexual play was not done forcefully it was done with their individual choice if that was done without concern then it might be Rape.  
Rape culture was started in the 19th century. Black women being stereotyped and victimized through sexual violence was invisible and Black male body Rape was brought to the public agenda as a serious, criminal issue.
“It was a large presence but she took it with no thanks and no expression on her face” (140)) when Antoinette calls him out for the small sum his present entailed. His behavior actually prompts Antoinette to make the following link explicit “You abused the planters and made up stories about them, but you do the same thing. You send the girl away quicker, and with no money or less money, and that’s all the difference”. ( Mardorossian)
By this statement, it is clear that Rochester's stages with Amelie are not Rape but it was a mutual desire. After that Rochester gave money to Amelia but she tell him No thanks and No Expression so, which means that Amelia does not want money or No less money.
Using Fanon White Skin, Black Masks on race consciousness, this paper argues against expecting or requiring a clear stance on the issue or even posing it as a dilemma. Reading Fanon as employing an existential-phenomenological methodology allows us to see how he exposes injustice by writing about the experience and projecting a future shared community of hope and freedom without a clear indication of the role our group identities might play. (Cusick)
Fanon’s “Black skim”, “White mask ”is connected with this novel and there is the reference of “white nigger”& “ White cockroach ”in that the main protagonist is frightened after seeing a white cockroach in the novel by that it tries to say that women do not deal with the small creature. In the next part it also saw that how women look beautiful in a white dress so, his husband wanted her wife to wear a white dress because he wants her wife's pretty by that it's clear that there is no liberty of women thought or women opinion. According to a man’s mood, she has to behave.
Black criminals get punished for the same crime at a higher rate and more harshly than white. Black women have to suffer a lot from the Man and others from white people because she is Black. In society, men are getting more prevelaze than women because they are having more power. Rape is not about race .rape and race both are totally different things . White women and Black women are used and abused for the re-enactments of racial superiority. Black on white v/s White on white rape. Black on white rape is anxiety and consolidation and on the other side white on white rape is no less harsh but it is rape.
It is clear that sexual Violence is race-based rather than gender-based and white women are suffering for years in silence alongside. There is any possibility of Rape that whether the “Rape ”of white women was consensual sex or not ? and if it is consensual sex then it is not rape. Black-on-white rape was real or fabricated. It is always seen that Women have to pay the price.
Thus, the objective of the paper is not only to contrast the symbolic from the semiotic in the narratives but also to show the breakdown or over-throwing of the “symbolic” in the “social law” of the Wide Sargasso Sea in the end. ( Sarkar)
 It discourses the “general Social Law” of the patriarchal, colonizing society and the multiple narratives of their expressions in the colonized society. From the Novel “Bertha” the character is the contrast between the patriarchal. In reality, this character does not exist at all but Rochester is inventing this character to fell Antoinette mad woman so, he wants to play a mind game with here wife and wanted to manipulate her mind so, she can think that what is happening with her and does not take a stand for her rights. It brings the symbolic, semiotic narrative to this paper. In this Novel when Antionetee is frightened from two rates that represent white England. Till the end, Antoinette does not submit to his authority.
It also represents that how the authoritatively patriarchal society of husbands. who just wants her wife to follow his rules if she wants to do something for herself then also she needs to take permission from her family and after her marriage, she has to take permission from her husband. she is not free to put her point in the novel also same things are happening to Antoinette she is first controlled by his family his husband. When women say “I Hate u ” It proves the breakdown of the “Symbolic ”and a shift in the “White male” narration to become almost “disoriented ” and filled with silences and gaps to mimic the “” Semiotic” narration. Semiotic prevails over the symbolic. The epilogue does not belong to the girl Antoinette, with whom the novel began, it belongs to the stranger “Bertha” to whom the reader is not familiarized. “Bertha ”does not exist but when her husband was provoking him calling him Bertha then she got the power to fight against his cruel behavior and in the end, she has then her revenge and gave him the punishment that he deserve.
In Wide Sargasso Sea, Rochester uses his power and causes Antoinette to feel her lack of body. Rochester has regarded Antoinette as deficient and he thinks that Antoinette has to choose to become silent and stay in the attic because he has the power. Rochester sees Antoinette as unstable, dangerous, less intelligent, and inferior. Antoinette’s situation is described as an absence, like lack and incompleteness. Rochester, ignoring two women's thoughts and emotions, uses his phallus power. His phallus plays a foundational role in the roots of the difference between Rochester and Antoinette. This difference is supported by patriarchy; this patriarchy uses its own language in the world. (günenç)
This statement analyzes women’s situation, madness, and women's struggle in a patriarchal society. Madness is a result of patriarchy and male-dominated societies. Antoinette has shameful and invisible life but at the same time, her madness is a protestation against society. Antoinette loss her temper because she was portrayed as a prostitute, evil, or madwoman. On the other side, his husband was calling him by another name “Bertha”. Women should start to use their own language in the world. she should be the subject of her sentences because the subject is a function of the Language. The male role in the language is different from the of women. She fit herself in the Phallocentric world. The malady is called madness in History. Man and Women's identities are shaped in the masculine perspective. If the Women Reject oppressive structures and powers so they are called mad.
In this Novel Annette depends on her husband and follows all things which her husband is telling, if they accept tradition then they are mad. When Antoinette learns the truth and when she tried to show it to society then she is mad. so, how women can not easily put her point in front of society and when she tries to go against her husband then she has to face many problems as in this Novel When women try to rebel again his husband then she is put in Attic for ten years.
There is no looking glass here and I don't know what I am like now.  
Antoinette is locked in the attic with Grace Poole. She has lost all sense of self and everything is confused. Her isolation has caused her to lose track of time and place and her past. She exists at the moment with only fleeting and confused recollections of the past. She was locked in Attic for a long time that was a resume that she react like this and burn her house.
Everything was bright or dark. The walls, the blazing colors of the flowers in the garden, the nuns’ habits were bright, but their veils, the Crucifix hanging from their waists, the shadow of the trees, were black. That was how it was; light and dark, sun and shadow, Heaven and hell, for one of the nuns knew all about Hell, and who doesn’t? (1968: 48). ( Wickramagamage)
Here, Antoinette’s confused mood is tried to be represented using motifs as brightness/dark, sun/shadow, and heaven and hell. I mean Antoinette tries to find light, brightness just because she needs them so much however the dark or tragic side of life has already been shaped for Antoinette
Women should know their rights and use their rights in an appropriate manner not to harm people. she should be educated so, she will be aware of the things going on in the world as compared to men. She should write about their identity without being under the influence of male writers and literature this way women can struggle with patriarchal societies and their laws.
The first novel Wide Sargasso Sea contains women’s silence, madness, feminist theories, political and racial oppression against patriarchy. (Jiang)
In This Novel, Bartha is a victim of patriarchy and colonialism. women’s social reality is shaped by gender Female experience in Literature is also gender. In The world, women are getting less privileged in comparison to men. women are inferior to men and lack independence and do not have their own sense of self. Feminists view it as not only women who become oppressed but also Black, poor people who are oppressed in a patriarchal society. Feminist deals with not only gender but also race, Religion, Nationality, Culture, and Age.
In the Novel, Bartha became the victim of colonialism just because she was a white creole. Bartha's situation highlights the need for female emancipation and racial equality in patriarchal and colonial societies.
This Novel represents the voice of women in any historical period of protesting patriarchy and oppression. No matter in 19th-century women searching for independence and equality it refers to Bartha.
So, it is clear that how Antoinette was treated as badly by his Family then his Husband, and after marriage also she was not happy because his husband does not trust him he feels that she is hiding about her past but, she has already mentioned her past . Her husband put her in Attic for ten years and then she lost her passion and then at the end she burn the house. by doing that she also feels that now she is able to take revenge for all things from which she has gone throw. This Me too Movement is also about the same type of approach that if woman has faced any sexual harassment then she should take her to stand.
Works Cited
 Mardorossian, Carine. "#Metoo in Wide Sargasso Sea." researchgate (2020): 23. web.

Sarkar, Ausmita. "Feminist Theory in Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea." Researchgate (2017): 7. web. 21 December 2021. <'s_Wide_Sargasso_Sea>.

Wickramagamage, Carmen . "An/other Side to Antoinette/Bertha: Reading ‘Race’ into Wide Sargasso Sea." Reserchgate (2000): 5. web.

Cusick, Carolyn Marie. "Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks on Race Consciousness." Reserchgate (2007): 5. web. 21 December 2021. <>.

günenç, Mesut . "Against Society: Women s Language, Body and Madness in Wide Sargasso Sea and Sula." Reserchgate (2015): 7. web. 22 December 2021. <>.

Jiang, Qian. "A Comparative Study of Bertha Mason in lJane Eyrer and lWide Sargasso Sear from a Feminist Perspective." reserchgate (2018): 5. web. 23 December 2021. <>.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

“No Means No !”- Analysis of Wide Sargasoo Sea concerning # Me Too Movement

 “No Means No !”- Analysis of Wide Sargasso Sea concerning # Me Too Movement




The “Me Too” movement, focuses on the experiences of sexual violence survivors, on the response of sexual harassment and sexual assault. If people are more aware of sexual harassment and how it is treated, then tolerance will decrease, and support for victims will rise.

In The Pink Movie Loyer (Amitabh Bachchan ) Explain about “No Means No” that No is Not a word but it is a statement it does not need any Explanation if someone is telling No then it means No. If the speaking Lady is Friend, Girlfriend, Sex worker or wife “ No Means No”.


It is about social change, through social media, where it’s known as #MeToo. It was founded in 2006, it became online in late 2017 when several high-profile actresses opened up about their experiences with sexual harassment in the film industry. Tarana Burke, an American social activist, began to use the phrase “Me too”  on the social networking platform to highlight the sexual harassment, it targeted women. Burke argues that the Me Too movement works on empowerment through empathy by showing the world just how common sexual harassment is and by telling survivors that they aren’t alone and are supported.


Analysis of Wide Sargasso Sea concerning # Me Too Movement:-


English Literature has been studied from various angles. Yet there are more hidden aspects that need to be explored to understand this novel. This research aims at exploring the growth of the protagonist.



“It is self-evident that not all sex is rape or should be criminalized as such since the criminalization of rape for which feminists fought would lose all meaning without a rape / not rape distinction.” (Mardorossian,Carine)

Yes, I also agree with this argument that It does not mean that “All Sex is Rape”.It derives from “individual choice ” is not criminalized. A humanist rather than a legalistic understanding of power dynamics defining that sexualized violence is to the “making of culture”.

So, Rochester's sexual play with black servants is not to be criminalized because that sexual play was not done forcefully it was done with their individual choice if that was done without concern then it might be Rape.  

Rape culture was started in the 19th century. Black women being stereotyped and victimized through sexual violence was invisible and Black male body Rape was brought to the public agenda as a serious, criminal issue.




“It was a large presence but she took it with no thanks and no expression on her face” (140)) when Antoinette calls him out for the small sum his present entailed. His behavior actually prompts Antoinette to make the following link explicit “You abused the planters and made up stories about them, but you do the same thing. You send the girl away quicker, and with no money or less money, and that’s all the difference”.(Mardorossian, Carine)


By this statement, it is clear that Rochester's stages with Amelie are not Rape but it was a mutual desire. After that Rochester gave money to Amelia but she tell him No thanks and No Expression so, which means that Amelia does not want money or No less money.


Using Fanon White Skin, Black Masks on race consciousness, this paper argues against expecting or requiring a clear stance on the issue or even posing it as a dilemma. Reading Fanon as employing an existential-phenomenological methodology allows us to see how he exposes injustice by writing about the experience and projecting a future shared community of hope and freedom without a clear indication of the role our group identities might play.  (Sarkar,Ausmita)

Fanon’s “Black skim”, “White mask ”is connected with this novel and there is the reference of “white nigger”& “ White cockroach ”in that the main protagonist is frightened after seeing a white cockroach in the novel by that it tries to say that women do not deal with the small creature. In the next part it also saw that how women look beautiful in a white dress so, his husband wanted her wife to wear a white dress because he wants her wife's pretty by that it's clear that there is no liberty of women thought or women opinion. According to a man’s mood, she has to behave.

Black criminals get punished for the same crime at a higher rate and more harshly than white.  Black women have to suffer a lot from the Man and others from white people because she is Black. In society, men are getting more prevelaze than women because they are having more power. Rape is not about race .rape and race both are totally different things . White women and Black women are used and abused for the re-enactments of racial superiority. Black on white v/s White on white rape. Black on white rape is anxiety and consolidation and on the other side white on white rape is no less harsh but it is rape.


It is clear that sexual Violence is race-based rather than gender-based and white women are suffering for years in silence alongside. There is any possibility of Rape that whether the “Rape ”of white women was consensual sex or not  ? and if it is consensual sex then it is not rape. Black-on-white rape was real or fabricated. It is always seen that Women have to pay the price.


Thus, the objective of the paper is not only to contrast the symbolic from the semiotic in the narratives but also to show the breakdown or over-throwing of the “symbolic” in the “social law” of the Wide Sargasso Sea in the end (Sarkar, Ausmita)

 It discourses the “general Social Law” of the patriarchal, colonizing society and the multiple narratives of their expressions in the colonized society. From the Novel “Bertha” the character is the contrast between the patriarchal. In reality, this character does not exist at all but Rochester is inventing this character to fell Antoinette mad woman so, he wants to play a mind game with here wife and wanted to manipulate her mind so, she can think that what is happening with her and does not take a stand for her rights. It brings the symbolic, semiotic narrative to this paper. In this Novel when Antionetee is frightened from two rates that represent white England. Till the end, Antoinette does not submit to his authority.

It also represents that how the authoritatively patriarchal society of husbands. who just wants her wife to follow his rules if she wants to do something for herself then also she needs to take permission from her family and after her marriage, she has to take permission from her husband. she is not free to put her point in the novel also same things are happening to Antoinette she is first controlled by his family his husband. When women say “I Hate u ” It proves the breakdown of the “Symbolic ”and a shift in the “White male” narration to become almost “disoriented ” and filled with silences and gaps to mimic the “” Semiotic” narration. Semiotic prevails over the symbolic. The epilogue does not belong to the girl Antoinette, with whom the novel began, it belongs to the stranger “Bertha” to whom the reader is not familiarized. “Bertha ”does not exist but when her husband was provoking him calling him Bertha then she got the power to fight against his cruel behavior and in the end, she has then her revenge and gave him the punishment that he deserve.



In Wide Sargasso Sea, Rochester uses his power and causes Antoinette to feel her lack of body. Rochester has regarded Antoinette as deficient and he thinks that Antoinette has to choose to become silent and stay in the attic because he has the power. Rochester sees Antoinette as unstable, dangerous, less intelligent, and inferior. Antoinette’s situation is described as an absence, like lack and incompleteness. Rochester, ignoring two women's thoughts and emotions, uses his phallus power. His phallus plays a foundational role in the roots of the difference between Rochester and Antoinette. This difference is supported by patriarchy; this patriarchy uses its own language in the world.(Wick Ramagamage, Carmen)

This statement analyzes women’s situation, madness, and women's struggle in a patriarchal society. Madness is a result of patriarchy and male-dominated societies. Antoinette has shameful and invisible life but at the same time, her madness is a protestation against society. Antoinette loss her temper because she was portrayed as a prostitute, evil, or madwoman. On the other side, his husband was calling him by another name “Bertha”. Women should start to use their own language in the world. she should be the subject of her sentences because the subject is a function of the Language. The male role in the language is different from the of women. She fit herself in the Phallocentric world. The malady is called madness in History. Man and Women's identities are shaped in the masculine perspective. If the Women Reject oppressive structures and powers so they are called mad.

In this Novel Annette depends on her husband and follows all things which her husband is telling, if they accept tradition then they are mad. When Antoinette learns the truth and when she tried to show it to society then she is mad. so, how women can not easily put her point in front of society and when she tries to go against her husband then she has to face many problems as in this Novel When women try to rebel again his husband then she is put in Attic for ten years.

There is no looking glass here and I don't know what I am like now.  Antoinette, (Grace's Watch)(The Wide Sarragesoo Sea)

Antoinette is locked in the attic with Grace Poole. She has lost all sense of self and everything is confused. Her isolation has caused her to lose track of time and place and her past. She exists at the moment with only fleeting and confused recollections of the past. She was locked in Attic for a long time that was a resume that she react like this and burn her house.

Everything was bright or dark. The walls, the blazing colors of the flowers in the garden, the nuns’ habits were bright, but their veils, the Crucifix hanging from their waists, the shadow of the trees, were black. That was how it was; light and dark, sun and shadow, Heaven and hell, for one of the nuns knew all about Hell, and who doesn’t? (1968: 48). (The wide Sarragesoo Sea)

Here, Antoinette’s confused mood is tried to be represented using motifs as brightness/dark, sun/shadow, and heaven and hell. I mean Antoinette tries to find light, brightness just because she needs them so much however the dark or tragic side of life has already been shaped for Antoinette


Women should know their rights and use their rights in an appropriate manner not to harm people. she should be educated so, she will be aware of the things going on in the world as compared to men. She should write about their identity without being under the influence of male writers and literature this way women can struggle with patriarchal societies and their laws.


The first novel Wide Sargasso Sea contains women’s silence, madness, feminist theories, political and racial oppression against patriarchy.(Gunenc,Mesut)

In This Novel, Bartha is a victim of patriarchy and colonialism. women’s social reality is shaped by gender Female experience in Literature is also gender. In The world, women are getting less privileged in comparison to men. women are inferior to men and lack independence and do not have their own sense of self. Feminists view it as not only women who become oppressed but also Black, poor people who are oppressed in a patriarchal society. Feminist deals with not only gender but also race, Religion, Nationality, Culture, and Age.

In the Novel, Bartha became the victim of colonialism just because she was a white creole. Bartha's situation highlights the need for female emancipation and racial equality in patriarchal and colonial societies.

This Novel represents the voice of women in any historical period of protesting patriarchy and oppression. No matter in 19th-century women searching for independence and equality it refers to Bartha.


So, it is clear that how Antoinette was treated as badly by his Family then his Husband, and after marriage also she was not happy because his husband does not trust him he feels that she is hiding about her past but, she has already mentioned her past . Her husband put her in Attic for ten years and then she lost her passion and then at the end she burn the house. by doing that she also feels that now she is able to take revenge for all things from which she has gone throw. This  Me too Movement is also about the same type of approach that if woman has faced any sexual harassment then she should take her to stand.

 1. Gunenc, Mesut. 2021, Accessed 20 Dec 2021.

 2. Mardorossian, Carine. 2021, Accessed 20 Dec 2021.

 3.Sarkar, Ausmita. 2021,'s_Wide_Sargasso_Sea. Accessed 20 Dec 2021.

4.Wickramagamage, Carmen. 2021,'Race'_into_Wide_Sargasso_Sea. Accessed 20 Dec 2021.

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